In short, you can file a wrongful death suit on behalf of a loved one who passed away in a nursing home. In North Carolina, personal injury attorneys can help you sort the ins and outs of filing a wrongful death claim. Knowing the answers to these questions will help you figure out if hiring an attorney is the right choice.
What Is Wrongful Death?
A wrongful death suit is one filed after an individual has died as the result of another person's (or company's) improper conduct. In the majority of nursing home cases that result in wrongful death suits, the victim was subjected to abuse and/or neglect. In other words, the death could have been easily avoided.
Who Is Allowed To Sue A Nursing Home?
When it comes to filing a wrongful death suit, several parties are allowed to do so. The real parties of interest, those who may file, are usually immediate family members or spouses. In some cases, anybody who suffers financially from the loss may file a wrongful death suit.
What Constitutes As Nursing Home Abuse?
Nursing home abuse encompasses quite a few different actions. For instance, some cases have involved elderly individuals who were dehydrated or had rare bed sores. Other cases simply involve lack of attention or giving out the wrong medications. Some nursing homes end up lacking proper hygiene, resulting in infections that can be devastating for somebody who is already in poor health. Of course, there are also cases in which the nursing home attendants are purposefully abusive, resulting in broken bones and much worse.
Why Should I File A Wrongful Death Suit Against A Nursing Home?
In some cases, filing a wrongful death suit is the only way to achieve justice. Those who face financial hardship because of the death, including spouses and children, also deserve this money. Finally, filing a lawsuit helps to ensure that negligence does not happen again. It could very well save a life.
The number of seniors moving into nursing homes is increasing at a steady pace. Anybody who is spending time in a nursing home deserves to be treated with respect. The residents of these homes deserve dignity, no matter their current health status. It is essential that nursing home professionals are held to a high standard. A personal injury attorney (such as on from The Reed Noble Law Firm PLLC) will help you determine what steps you should take toward achieving justice for a wrongful death case.