3 Ways A Lawyer Can Assist In A Custody Battle For Your Grandkids

Trying to get custody of grandchildren can be an aggressive situation if it isn't handled the right way. When you are dealing with parents who aren't willing to discuss the situation in a civil manner, the solution to the problem is to make sure that everything is handled with legal assistance from a lawyer. Take a look at the article below and discover three ways that a family lawyer can help when you want to get custody of your grandchildren. 

You Can Get Emergency Custody If Necessary

After explaining to a family lawyer what your reason is for wanting custody of your grandchildren, he or she may be able to help you get emergency custody. However, the custody arrangement will only be temporary because you will still have to discuss the situation in court. The lawyer will only be able to help you get emergency custody if it can be proven that the children's lives are in danger, such as their overall well-being. Depending on the types of problems that the parents have, you might be able to get full custody after the case is heard in court. Some of the things that might validate full custody include parental drug use, child abuse and a lack of affection for the children on the parent's behalf.

Obtaining a Restraining Order Until the Custody Case is Over

If the children's parents are making threats against you, the first thing that a lawyer can do is get a restraining order from court. If you are granted temporary custody of the kids at the beginning of the case, the restraining order can be for the children's safety as well. The lawyer may also be able to file criminal charges against the children's parents if the threats against you are severe enough. Once a restraining order is in place, the parents will have to remain within a certain distance away from you and your grandchildren. Breaking the rules of the restraining order will only help your case, so the parents are not likely to break the rules if they truly want to maintain custody of their kids.

Keeping the Custody Situation Cordial Through Mediation

A family lawyer will try to create peace between you and the children's parents by attempting to settle the custody battle through mediation before going to court. He or she will explain to the parents why you are concerned and what the terms are for them to keep custody of the kids. If the parents agree to allow you to get temporary custody until they change, no court will be necessary. Visitation for the parents can also be setup during mediation if things go well. A family lawyer can keep the custody battle cordial enough to prevent it from affecting the children in a serious way.
