Signs You Can Do A Shared Custody Agreement To Avoid A Custody Trail: What To Know

If you were never married to the person that you had a child with and the two of you are having some disagreements about sharing time and responsibility, it may be time to talk with a lawyer. You don't have to go through a huge custody battle to work out your problems, and instead the two of you can create a shared parenting agreement civilly. With one lawyer, the two of you can decide where the child is going to be and when, and if money is going to be paid to one of the parents as support.

Tips For Parents Facing Educational Issues For Their Special Need Child

When you feel like a school is not doing enough to educate your special needs child, you may feel frustrated and confused about the best way to go about making sure they do. Children with specific types of learning disabilities may fall behind other students because teachers do not see their need for individualized attention. If your child has a learning disability and you are worried his or her school is not taking steps to accommodate it, find out how you can be your child's best educational advocate and ensure he or she gets the education you can feel good about.

Married With Children: How To Reduce Baby Strain On Your Relationship

Marriage is a tricky thing on its own. Introducing children into the mix creates a host of issues that are not only impossible to plan for, they are also hard to recognize. Read below to see some of the most common minor issues that arise from becoming a parent, and how some small adjustments just might be enough to prevent a divorce or from you having to call a divorce attorney.

3 Ways A Lawyer Can Assist In A Custody Battle For Your Grandkids

Trying to get custody of grandchildren can be an aggressive situation if it isn't handled the right way. When you are dealing with parents who aren't willing to discuss the situation in a civil manner, the solution to the problem is to make sure that everything is handled with legal assistance from a lawyer. Take a look at the article below and discover three ways that a family lawyer can help when you want to get custody of your grandchildren.

Why You Must Choose Your Estate Executor Carefully

When it comes time to write your will, it is your responsibility to choose an executor. Who you choose as an executor is important because he or she is required to carry out the terms of the will. You will want someone who you can trust. But even more important is that your executor must be someone who will actually want to execute your will. You Can Change Your Executor At Any Time